For Honor Tier List Pivotal Gamers November 2, 2020 No Comments 617 views Features, Tier Lists Our For Honor Tier List provides the best heroes you should focus on during the latest competitive season of the game. This list is based on ranked play so it features some popular and incredibly powerful heroes; heroes with value specifically in climbing for the majority of players. Details about each hero specific play style are also provided so that you know how to utilize the character best. Just hover over each hero’s portrait to see all info available.Since its initial release, For Honor has steadily became one of the most popular competitive fighting games in the market. With a simple yet balanced gameplay and characters, this is one fighting game where casual and pro players alike can enjoy advancing based sorely on their skills and familiarity of the fighters they prefer. For Honor is a fighting game that centers around one thing – its heroes, which are the heart and soul of how you play the game.For Honor delivers a highly entertaining but also demanding environment. Although there is no such thing as the best hero in the game, since every player has their own play style, there are so many to choose from, each with their own unique abilities and perks. Furthermore the game allows some of them to shine more than others. So at first glance it can feel pretty daunting to decide which of these to select.Our For Honor Tier List aims to guide you select heroes that best fit in with your personal play style for achieving the best gaming experience available.Our RankingsS+ Tier – Very Overpowered S Tier – Overpowered, these heroes are dominant and excel to their play styles. They have seen enormous success in the pro competitive scene. If you want to win, you can never go wrong choosing any of them A Tier – Perfectly Balanced, these powerful heroes are popular choices. While not the very best, will often give you a slight edge if you select them since they are still viable for players of any skill and experience level B Tier – Slightly Underpowered, these heroes are average. They have a decent move set with no glaring disadvantages. What they lack in one skill they make up with another. While they will not give you an edge in battle, they will not hold you back either. C Tier – Underpowered, the use of these heroes is situational. Some of them are great against certain opponents, while others are simply less efficient than most heroes in the roster. Either way, these heroes are less common picks since to win a lot of matches you have to invest some time practicing combos and intuitive counters D/E Tier – Very Underpowered, these heroes are considered the weakest. Consider selecting another hero, unless you are experienced enough to utilize their skillset efficiently F Tier – Typically Useless Heroes Heroes Tier ListAs mentioned earlier, For Honor is a well-balanced and technical fighting game that you can make any character shine with enough practice. That is why we rank each hero based not only on individual raw power and popularity but also on their viability to win matches especially in the pro competitive scene.There are four distinct fractions in For Honor, Knights, Vikings, Samurai and Wu Lin. Each faction contains a range of highly skilled, deadly warriors separated into four distinct classes, Vanguards, Assassins, Heavies and Hybrids. Each hero unique toolkit is determined by their faction and class so you should choose based on your personal play style. Quickly kill your enemies with the stealthy Assassins, resist attacks and hit hard with the powerful Heavies, balance offense and defense with the well-rounded Vanguards, or customize your play style with the Hybrids, each a mix of two other classes. Nevertheless the game allows some of them to shine more than others mainly in terms of being easier to master and yield better win percentage for the majority of players.For Honor also provides single-player & co-op and multiplayer games modes. In order to better utilize each hero in the pro competitive scene, we provide a list of all available multiplayer game modes along with short explanations on how each one translates in battle.TRIBUTE – Teams fight to take control of various Offerings dispersed on the mapDOMINION – 4v4 objective-based mode where teams fight for three different zones to control the battlefield (Offense and Mobility centric)DUEL – Best of five rounds 1v1 mode (Offence and Defense centric)BRAWL – Best of five rounds 2v2 mode (Survivability and Mobility centric)SKIRMISH – 4v4 team deathmatch-like mode with AIELIMINATION – 4v4 mode where the best of five rounds wins!BREACH – Defend the Castle or take down the Lord Commander in 4v4 strategic multiplayer mode. Coming with the Marching Fire Update on October 16The three most popular multiplayer game modes used by players in competitive matches are Dominion, Duel and Brawl. Because of this, we rank each hero not only by their overall performance but according to each one of these game modes also.We update our For Honor tier list frequently to reflect the latest game meta. Keep in mind that heroes placement inside a specific tier is NOT important. Heroes are positioned randomly within a specific tier thus their placement does not show that they are better or more popular than others in the same tier. So without further ado, let’s dive into our For Honor Tier List.S TierKyoshinDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: HybridWarmongerDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: VanguardJiang JunDetailsFaction: Wu Lin, Type: HeavyConquerorDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: HeavyA TierBerserkerDetailsFaction: Viking, Type: AssassinBlack PriorDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: HeavyKenseiDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: VanguardNuxiaDetailsFaction: Wu Lin, Type: AssassinNobushiDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: HybridShaolinDetailsFaction: Wu Lin, Type: HybridRaiderDetailsFaction: Viking, Type: VanguardB TierGryphonDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: HybridShamanDetailsFaction: Viking, Type: AssassinZhanhuDetailsFaction: Wu Lin, Type: HybridWardenDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: VanguardHitokiriDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: HeavyC TierGladiatorDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: AssassinShugokiDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: HeavyShinobiDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: AssassinWarlordDetailsFaction: Viking , Type: HeavyValkyrieDetailsFaction: Viking, Type: HybridOrochiDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: AssassinLawbringerDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: HybridHighlanderDetailsFaction: Viking, Type: HybridD TierJormungandrDetailsFaction: Viking, Type: HeavyTiandiDetailsFaction: Wu Lin, Type: VanguardCenturionDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: HybridF TierPeacekeeperDetailsFaction: Knight, Type: AssassinAramushaDetailsFaction: Samurai, Type: HybridLatest Patch NotesYou can find the latest patch notes here.You may also check out the game’s trailer below.Have fun and do not forget, for a huge selection of active Giveaways and Contests, visit our Giveaways and Free Steam Keys pages.Last Update: 25 June 2024 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Want to be a hero gamer? 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