War Thunder

War Thunder

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War Thunder
War Thunder

War Thunder is a free to play 3D MMO combat game focused on World War II and giving players the opportunity to command some of the most iconic aircrafts and vehicles experiencing the historical events. Featuring multiple online gameplay modes, War Thunder has something for everyone. Simulator and Realistic battle modes for the veteran and experienced players, Arcade with lowest realism for newcomers and casual gamers.

Presented with highly detailed graphic elements, the environments as well as the effects are breathtaking and the crafts look amazing contributing a lot to the game’s realism. It is a must for all those who love flight sims and would like to engage in some serious dogfighting as they will be greatly rewarded.

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War Thunder: Challenger 1: A Worthy Heir

Brave commanders! Update 1.77 for War Thunder is almost here and one of the most fearsome modern tan...[Read More]

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