Evolve Stage 2 Review

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Evolve Stage 2 is the free-to-play version of Evolve, an online game developed by Turtle Rock Studios and published by 2K. You can say that Evolva was an innovation of its time, bring a new twist to the multiplayer genre with its 4v1 mechanics.

What you basically deal with in Evolve Stage 2 is either a huge player controlled monster as a hunter or hunt the monster down if you’re playing as the hunter instead. There are classes for both sides, with different mechanics and skills as well as trapping techniques.

There are four human classes: Assault, Trapper, Medic and Support. Each class has many different playable characters, each with their own unique abilities and arsenal. Similarly, there are five basic Monsters to play as including Goliath, Kraken, Wraith, Behemoth and Gorgon.

Each Monster and human has its own set of abilities to make them stand out from the rest. Before the game starts one can choose three base perks for their character, a “minor perk,” a more powerful “major” perk and finally a “superior” perk. Throughout the rounds the Monster must consume the wildlife of the planet in order to gain bonus perks and evolve, becoming more powerful while upgrading their four abilities.

On the long run though, Evolve Stage 2 is greedy and grind demanding. While its playerbase can’t be deemed as low, the developers seized bringing updates to it and as an extension the game can no more “evolve”.

Overall, Evolve Stage 2 is worth playing since it defined a whole genre even if its future is not as bright as it should have been. If you can gather your friends and make a game of your own then you don’t really have to bother about the skill cap of veterans or the unfair use of skills ingame. Either way it’s worth trying but clearly not investing.

Minimum System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 7 64bit
Processor: Core 2 Duo E6600
Memory (RAM): 4GB
Hard Disk Space: 25GB
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560


  • Innovative Gameplay
  • Interesting Lore
  • Variety of Players
  • Free-To-Play


  • Low Playerbase
  • Almost No Updates
  • Grinding Needed


Katerina is currently a student in National Technical University of Athens as a Surveying Engineer. She was a gamer from early on, spending most days on Atari and NEO GEO emulators on her parents PC, furiously seeking her next favorite videogame. She truly realised her love for videogames when she became an adult though and from that moment on she wanted to make it her carreer by any means necessary. After having spent a few years in videogame journalism she came to believe that one day she will be the most famous videogame reviewer in existence.
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