Matt Munsey

A writer of fiction and lover of all things fantastical, Matthew has spent many of his days immersed in one created world or another, be they an MMO, traditional video game, or a work of literary fiction. Having been both an avid writer and video game lover for his entire life, the next logical step seemed to be, you guess it, writing about video games. And so here he is, doing that.



LuckCatchers Review

LuckCatchers is a game heavily inspired by the MMORPGs of old, such as EvE Online or Ultima. In this fully persistent sandbox world you are an airship captain tasked with one motivation – to do whatever the heck you want! It’s a beautiful thing in an MMORPG to be given the tools to make the game great yourself, and LuckCatchers does a remarkably fine job doing just that. From the player base...[Read More]




Call together your friends, rally to the skies, and experience a fast paced, fully open ended, steampunk inspired world of magic and airships in DIP Online’s LuckCatchers!Are you a capitalistic merchant, wheeling and dealing your way across the skies? Or perhaps a ruthless pirate, eagerly awaiting your next ruthless kill...Or maybe you’re a politician? One prefering to wage your battles ...[Read More]



Closers Review

Closers is a Free to Play Side Scrolling MMORPG brought to us by En Masse Entertainment, in which you, a psychically gifted high school student is tasked by The World Government with the job saving humanity as we know it. Right off the bat, you will select your character from a fairly wide selection of classes. Unfortunately there is limited character customization from the get go, but that is qui...[Read More]


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