Another Eden Tier List Pivotal Gamers October 20, 2020 No Comments 1029 views Features, Tier Lists Our Another Eden Tier List will help you decide which heroes you’ll want to use to breeze through even the game’s most difficult battles. Hero details including rarity, element, weapon and accessory types are also provided. Just hover over each hero’s portrait to see all info available.Another Eden is a 2D turn base RPG game for mobile devices. Since its initial release, back in 2017, Another Eden has managed to capture the hearts of millions of players worldwide and steadily become one of the most popular adventure RPGs in many countries. Another Eden is a fantastic game with characters in high-end anime art style, spectacular fights, an immersive narrative and engaging content that centers around one thing – its heroes, which are the heart and soul of how you play the game.Another Eden delivers a highly entertaining but also demanding environment. Although there is no such thing as the best hero in the game, since in order to build great teams you must focus on their synergies rather than individual hero rankings, there are so many to choose from, each with their own unique abilities and perks. Furthermore the game allows some of them to shine more than others. So at first glance it can feel pretty daunting to decide which of these to select.Our Another Eden Tier List aims to guide you select heroes that best fit in with your personal play style for achieving the best gaming experience available.Our RankingsS+ Tier – Very Overpowered S Tier – Overpowered, these heroes are dominant. If you want to win, you can never go wrong choosing any of them A Tier – Perfectly Balanced, these powerful heroes are popular choices. While not the very best, will often give you a slight edge if you select them B Tier – Slightly Underpowered, these heroes are average. While they will not give you an edge in battle, they will not hold you back either C Tier – Underpowered, the use of these heroes is situational. Some of them are great against certain opponents, while others are simply less efficient than most heroes in the roster. Either way, these heroes are less common picks D/E Tier – Very Underpowered, these heroes are considered the weakest. Consider selecting another hero, unless you are experienced enough to utilize their skillset efficiently F Tier – Typically Useless Heroes Heroes Tier ListAs mentioned earlier, Another Eden is a team based game. As such, team synergy and coordination are the building blocks to achieve victory. That is why we rank each hero based mainly on the value they provide to the team and not so on their individual raw power and popularity. Heroes who synergize better with a larger group of teammates are naturally ranked higher.You will probably obtain more than a hundred units throughout your adventures in Another Eden. So it will be really challenging to prioritize who to raise. To aid you in this task we have ranked all units based on how powerful they can become when maxed out. So our ratings are only for the 5★ and 4★ variants of 5★ heroes. At 3★ and below, units may be drastically worse or have non-functional kits. Lastly, some of the heroes are labeled by (AS) meaning that this is an alternative version of another hero and some are labeled by (manifest) meaning that they have manifest weapons available.In order to better utilize each hero and build efficient teams, please keep the following in mind.Given that there are no specific classes to categorize heroes under, the choice in assembling your team is largely based on hero skillset in addition to the elements they are attuned to. So each hero can fulfill multiple roles, for example they can be a damage dealer in one fight and a debuffer in anotherHigh rating characters are not always as useful as lower rating ones, mainly due to enemy resistances or specific hero weaknesses. So although rarity impacts a hero’s overall strength, using only 5 star heroes across all battles will not always yield the expected results. In the vast majority of cases, no same hero or team will manage to perform efficiently against every battleWhen you feel stuck, not able to defeat some hard opponents, it will be better to form up an elemental team including 4 star characters, in place of high rating 5 star ones, that will synergize well with each otherWe update our Another Eden tier list frequently to reflect the latest game meta. Keep in mind that heroes placement inside a specific tier is NOT important. Heroes are positioned randomly within a specific tier thus their placement does not show that they are better or more popular than others in the same tier. So without further ado, let’s dive into our Another Eden Tier List.S TierMelina ES 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water,Thunder, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowRadias AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightGarambarrel 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightIsuka ES 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire,Shade, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightGariyu 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowPhilo AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightOtoha AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightShion AC 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowChiyo AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightMilsha 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth,Shade, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowShion 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightTsukiha ES 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowSerge 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightVictor AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind,Thunder, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowYipha AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightDunarith AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowMiyu AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightMistrare AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind,Crystal, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowNagi AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowDewey AC 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire,Crystal, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowHismena AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightSheila AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightDaisy 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowStarky 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Crystal, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightMiyu ES 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth,Thunder, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightEva 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water,Crystal, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightKikyo AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightMelina AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowHarle 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire,Shade, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowRosetta 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowHardy AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowSuzette ES 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightNecoco 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightSevyn 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightTsubame AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightPizzica 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightFlammelapis 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightMyunfa AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightMayu 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightToova AC 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowNagi ES 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water,Crystal, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowThillelille AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire,Shade, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowSuzette AC 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowAzami AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightIsuka AC 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth,Shade, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowPremaya AC 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water,Thunder, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowMelissa 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind,Crystal, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowPrai 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None,Fire, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowOrleya 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire,Thunder, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightLele AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightKid 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightSuzette 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightAlma 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Crystal, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowA TierClarte AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Crystal, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowMyunfa 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightYuna AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightHeena 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowTiramisu AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightMyrus AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightToova 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowLaclair AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightEwan AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowZeviro AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowMana 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightYuri 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowAzami 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightToova AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowYuna 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None,Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightAldo 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightForan AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightBertrand AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightJade 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowAkane AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightRosetta AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowDewey 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightAnabel AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightVeina AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightIsuka AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightHardy 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowMistrare 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind,Crystal, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowIlulu 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowEwella 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water,Crystal, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightIlulu AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowRadica 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowMelody 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightVelvet 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowMay 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightShigure AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightPremaya 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightSuzette AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightHismena 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightLevia AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightYipha 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightElga 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowRadica AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowFelmina 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowLokido AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightHozuki 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightMariel 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None,Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightTiramisu 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightCyrus 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightYukino 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightNoahxis 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowRadias 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightTsukiha AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowCiel AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightClaude AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightHozuki AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightRenri 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightThillelille 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire,Shade, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowCress 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightLaclair 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightCurio 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind,Shade, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightPhilo 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightDeirdre 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowVictor 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind,Thunder, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowRenri AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightNikeh AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowGariyu AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowMighty 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightViolet 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightB TierVeina 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightFelmina AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowTsubame 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightCynthia 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightMelina 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowZeviro 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowShannon 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightSaki AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightShanie AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightEwan 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowRuina AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowClarte 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Crystal, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowAnabel 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightJoker 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowIsuka 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightElga AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowSkull 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Thunder, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightShion AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightBertrand 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightSophia 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None,Water, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowLevia 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightNagi 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowLovely 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightCetie AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightCerrine 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightGuildna 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowRiica 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightBria 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightShigure 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightAmy 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightKikyo 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightFeinne 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowCiel 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightShannon AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightClaude 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightMilla 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None,Water, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightDunarith 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowMyrus 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightMariel AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: None,Wind, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightMorgana 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowLokido 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightTsukiha 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowShanie 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Water, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightAltena 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: None, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowBivette 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightCetie 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightMiyu 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightBiaka 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowMighty AS 5★DetailsRarity: ,★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightHelena 5★DetailsRarity: 5★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowC TierSoira 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightNopaew 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightErina 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: None, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightGalliard 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowD TierSheila 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightSaki 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightBreeno 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowChiyo 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightPom 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: None, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightLovinia 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightLele 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightParisa 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowRaven 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowRuina 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: ShadowNonold 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: None, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightKrervo 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: None, Weapon: Staff, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightNikeh 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowAkane 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightF TierDarunis 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightKomachi 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightNero 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowNomar 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightYio 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightRufus 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightMiranda 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightYazuki 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightCyuca 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightForan 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Lance, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightMyron 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Sword, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightRovella 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Bow, Accessory: Ring, Type: ShadowSamora 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Hammer, Accessory: Bangle, Type: LightZilva 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowLingli 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Fire, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightDenny 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Water, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightBenedict 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Ax, Accessory: Necklace, Type: ShadowOtoha 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Earth, Weapon: Katana, Accessory: Ring, Type: LightGood Macky 4★DetailsRarity: 4★, Element: Wind, Weapon: Fists, Accessory: Necklace, Type: LightLatest Patch NotesYou can find the latest patch notes here.You may also check out the game’s trailer below.Have fun and do not forget, for a huge selection of active Giveaways and Contests, visit our Giveaways and Free Steam Keys pages.Last Update: 30 June 2022 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Want to be a hero gamer? 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