
In today’s guide we are gonna be taking a look at the easiest and most consistent build in set 4, actually the first Master player in europe onetricked his way into rank 1 with this build, so if you intersted in climbing fast and easy.

Stick Around!

General Playstyle

The general idea is to snowball the early and mid game using the resilience of Brawlers with Sunfire cape, and fast 9 to get as many Setts on board as possible. I would realy like to deep into some more analysis but as i already mentioned this build is super busted, and Sett is OP as hell, so just give him some AP items and you are good to go first place.


The general strategy is to get an early brawler chosen. Any brawler can do. There is also an Elderwood variation but its not that consistent so we will skip it for now. So you just get any Brawler Chosen and try to force 4 brawlers in stage 2 and 6 brawlers in stage 3 with any ranged dps to carry the Ashe items.


This is a fast 9 build, you will most likely winstreak with a brawler chosen and sunfire cape so you level to 4 on 2-1, prelevel to 5 before carousel, level to 6 on 3-1 if you winstreak or on 3-2 if you didnt. Level to 7 at 4-1 and to 8 at 4-3, this is where you want to roll a bit to finish your pairs, at this point i want to mention that 3star brawlers are welcome but not at all required so dont tunnel too much into getting a specific 3star Brawler, especially since this build is super popular right now. From that point on you get back to 50 gold and at stage 5-1 to 5-3 you should be getting to 9 and roll down for Sett.


Only item absolutely required is a Sunfire Cape on a 2star Brawler, this item alone can ensure a very smooth early game. I know, i ve been sceptical as well, it shouldnt be so easy to win the early and mid game but i assure you it is. BiS items for Ashe are QSS, Guinsso and Giant Slayer just because of all the Brawler players out there. Any defensive items will go to Nunu with his best items being Ionic Spark, Sunfire Cape and Warmogs and any AP items will go to Sett with BiS being Jewlent Glaulent, Rabadons Deathcap and again Sunfire Cape. The best opener for carousel is either Armor or Belt with Bow being an inferior but acceptable choice.

Early Mid and Late game Strategy

So we already suggested trying to utilize 4 Brawler in stage 2, there are actually very little to no combinations that can beat 4 brawlers that early, and i know that you are thinking cultists, well 3 cultists are very strong early game but even them cant take down 3 2star brawlers with sunfire cape that early. At Stage 3 you should have at least 4 brawlers and a substitude DPS with Ashe’s items, any 1cost ranged champion can do. You can use Nidalee, Aphelios even Vayne but my personal favourite is Aphelios. At level 6 you should optimally have 5 Brawlers with one of them being Chosen and a DPS carry. At level 7 you add a random Hunter and at a level 8 you add another one unless you were lucky and rolled an early Sett in which case you go straight for 8 Brawlers with Ashe. Ashe can even be at 1star since this composition cannot be countered easily unless you up against a very highroll opponent.


You want to position your TahmKench, Maokai and Sylas or Vi in the frontline at one side and Warwick with either Sylas or Vi in the backline infront of Ashe to protect her from Shades and Assasins. You want Ashe in the bottom row on a corner with QSS so she is kept safe and she cannot be pulled by Aatrox or get stunned by Jinx sharpshooter bounce. Finally Sett even in 1star and even with no items you want him in frontline to take all the agro because the way the Boss works is that when he gets to 40% hp he goes for situps and comes back with no aggro and really pissed off, so we want him in shape as soon as possible. Again super easy, you just want to pay attention to zephyrs since disabling Ashe might cost you the round late game.


Since there are no transitions involved in this build powerspikes are pretty straightforward, 4 Brawlers on stage 2 is almost quaranteed winstreak, 6 brawlers on stage 3 same deal and 6 brawlers 2 hunters with stacked Ashe for stage 4.

Win Condition

Our win condition is Sett 2 with 2 out of 3 items and 8 Brawlers up.


This build is almost unkillable, once fully deployed there is almost nothing to counter it, except a heavy highrolled opponent with 3star Riven or 6 Dusks or several stacked 3star 4costs. Abuze it while we still can.

Thats it for the guide, there is also a video guide coming up, let me know what you think in the comments section below, tell me if you like these guides or if this was any helpful and until next time. Stay competitive.

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Manolis Vinichakis is an avid gamer and YouTube content creator, his love for gaming emerged in the "early Diablo" days and led him through several MMOs. World of Warcraft has been his passion for over ten years. During these endless gaming hours he has been taking various roles from raid-leading in high-end guilds to topping the PvP ladders and participating in Blizzard's events. He began writing about games as a hobby in several websites and forums, a little over two years ago. A link to his gaming channel: Frappe Gaming
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