ArcheAge Garden of the Gods Giveaway [ENDED]

ArcheAge Garden of the Gods Giveaway [ENDED]

What’s up folks? MMOHuts holds a new giveaway for ArcheAge. Their message follows.

We’ve partnered with gamigo/Trion to offer a special gift for players of ArcheAge!

Adventure in the ultimate free-to-play fantasy-sandbox MMORPG freed from predefined paths and progression. Build massive castles and lay claim to lands whose riches fuel a deep, player-driven economy. Band together to protect your fortune in epic siege battles and naval combat – or live the life of an outlaw, prying glory and coin from foes left in your wake.

Your code contains an exclusive mount, a temporary version of a ridable panther, the Emberpaw.

A few words about ArcheAge

ArcheAge is a free to play online MMORPG, which unfolds in a totally open fantasy world, providing players with an enormous amount of alternatives to consider and an excellent presentation. Sail the seas, be a pirate, build houses and castles, travel, farm, craft, trade, battle your way through air, land or sea and you will soon realize that there is much more to do than meets the eye.

Presented with highly detailed graphics and environments and adopting innovative multiple gameplay mechanics, ArcheAge will most probably prove one of the most complete and most interesting games of the genre, you have ever experienced.

Information about the game can be found at ArcheAge

Last minute notes

Login with your MMOHuts/OnRPG account, follow the on-screen instructions to get your key.

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