Heroes of the Storm: PTR Notes – August, 28

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Heroes of the Storm: PTR Notes – August, 28

Heroes of the Storm: PTR Notes – August, 28

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that the new patch for Heroes of the Storm will be available at the Public Test Realm up until the 4th of September! Players that will try out the new content are welcome to submit their thoughts and comments about bugs or other issues they encounter at the PTR bug report forum (https://us.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/20013840/index).

Together with the new patch comes a new Special Event, Obey the Call; it is a chain of four quests where players kill heroes in the name of Kel’Thuzad! If the quests are completed (and they must be completed in the specific given order) before the end of the event on the 25th of September, players will reap the amazing rewards! Note that any progress made or rewards earned during the playtesting period will not be transferred to the live version of the patch.

What is more the launch of the live patch will mark the end of 2017 Ranked Season 2 and Season 3 2will officially begin!

The new patch will introduce a new hero, Kel’Thuzad, the most loyal and trusted servant of the Lich King that reigns over Naxxramas. Archlich of the Scourge and master of the cold dark, he brings a new trait, plus basic and heroic abilities to the game like Frost Blast and Shadow Fissure.

There will also be changes in the Battlegrounds with Hamamura being removed from all play modes so now the rotation will feature 8 instead of 9 Battlegrounds, namely Battlefield of Eternity, Blackheart’s Bay, Braxis Holdout, Cursed Hollow, Dragon Shire, Infernal Shrines, Sky Temple and Tomb of the Spider Queen.

Changes in User Interface and artwork will also be introduced; a new loading screen to celebrate Kel’Thuzad’s coming, some new visuals and updated notifications whenever certain milestones are reached or upon quest completion.

Four heroes, namely Chromie (assassin), Leoric (warrior), Jaina (assassin) and Lt. Morales (support) will receive modifications in their abilities and changes will take place in their talents in terms of cooldowns and bonuses. Finally, new bundles, new heroes’ skins and new mounts will be added.

For more information, please visit Official Page

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It was back at 1996 when Theodoros bought his first Personal Computer and with it a copy of Shogun : Total War. That was the beginning of many sleepless nights of exploring the fantastic world of gaming. He calls himself an “expert” defender and that’s his favorite gameplay style but he will not hesitate to grab a shield and go forth to protect his team as a tank. So next time you adventure in Azeroth and see a shield bearing cow named Klaras, you have found our guy! He is also a great fan of Role Playing Games. From Icewind Dale to Neverwinter Nights and Skyrim, you name it, he has played it all! He is not your average casual gamer, he is a dedicated fan!
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