RIFT: Greathound Power Pack!


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RIFT: Greathound Power Pack!

RIFT: Greathound Power Pack!

Greetings ascended warriors! A long, hot summer is ahead of us and your people at the Trion Worlds studios have something brand-new and scorching hot for you!

Visit the RIFT store or Trion Worlds’ website and get your sweaty hands on the amazing Greathound Power Pack! Ride your brand-new Crimson Greathound Mount into battle and amaze friends and foes!

Upon purchasing of this new Pack, ALL characters on your account will also receive a lovely Tropical Baby Budgling pet to accompany you in your adventures, an Ascended Seal that scales to level 70, and the Packmaster’s Reward Cache. The latter includes 2 Challenger’s Mark and 20 Individual Reward Charges!

For more information and updates, please visit Official Page

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It was back at 1996 when Theodoros bought his first Personal Computer and with it a copy of Shogun : Total War. That was the beginning of many sleepless nights of exploring the fantastic world of gaming. He calls himself an “expert” defender and that’s his favorite gameplay style but he will not hesitate to grab a shield and go forth to protect his team as a tank. So next time you adventure in Azeroth and see a shield bearing cow named Klaras, you have found our guy! He is also a great fan of Role Playing Games. From Icewind Dale to Neverwinter Nights and Skyrim, you name it, he has played it all! He is not your average casual gamer, he is a dedicated fan!
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