Guild Wars 2: Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools Available Today!

Guild Wars 2

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Guild Wars 2: Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools Available Today!

Guild Wars 2: Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools Available Today!

Available at the the Black Lion Trading Company by logging to the game, some new elements await you to claim them! Among the great offers, two fresh additions stand out. The Menzies’s Agony Greatsword at the cost of 600 gems, a unique gloomy and shadowy skin that can be applied to any other greatsword and will spread havoc and agony to your opponents and the Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools at the cost of 2700 gems, a special set of three magical tools for all your mining, logging, and harvesting needs; calibrated to give you unbound magic while gathering.

For additional information you can also visit the Official Page.

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Alexandros is a veteran Gamer, from the early glorious days of Spectrum ZX 128 and 8086 PCs. Having consumed tones of game-play hours in every existing (and non-existing) game genre, ranging from simple arcade (platform games) to complex flight sims, he possesses a vast amount of gaming experience and a quite demanding “eye”, always seeking for absolute excellence. He is currently focused on PC, PlayStation & Android platforms and his true unconditional love lies deep in the realms of classic Adventure and RPG gaming.
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